
Lace embroidery

Freestanding Lace embroidery is an embroidery design that is stitched onto a special stabilizer that dissolves in warm or cold water, leaving you with the freestanding lace.I recommend to use water-soluble mesh, such as Vilene. Vilene D0102 is a non woven dissolvable stabilizer that sold in large rolls and is sometimes repackaged under different brand names. Two of these brand names are Wash-Away and Aqua Magic. Film-like water soluble stabilizers, such as Solvy, are not suitable for Free-Standing Lace embroidery.

I recommend size 75/11 embroidery needles. The needles should be sharp, so it’s advisable to change them after every project. Stitching your Freestanding Lace DesignHoop the dissolvable stabilizer as recommended with your designs, and then stitch out the design in thread colors of your choice.I recommend you use two layers of Vilene for best results.Making Multi Colored LaceIf the design is a bowl or doily which has many different colors, you will want both sides of your finished lace to look fabulous. So you will need to use matching top and bobbin thread for each color. Simply wind a bobbin full of the same thread you use for the top and remember to change the bobbin color when you change the top color.Creating a Heavier Lace LookI recommend that you use the same thread type in the bobbin a to give your design a heavier, fuller lace look. For example,

If you are using 50- or 60-weight cotton, you should use it both in the bobbin and in the needle. If you use 40-weight cotton thread for the needle, you can use regular polyester bobbin thread. If you are using a specialty thread such as metallic thread, then always use cotton thread in the bobbin. Creating a Daintier Lace Look For a more dainty lace look, use embroidery thread for your top thread, and use cotton thread in the bobbin area. If you are wanting an even finer lace look, use cotton thread in the top area as well. PLEASE ask the designer first if the design would be ok to use bobbin thread both top and bottom as sometimes your design might unravel in water, if it has not been digitized for this purpose. The Bottom Line by Superior Threads is a very good range of fine thread, suitable for use in bobbin or top thread and is available in a great variety of colors.You should always ensure the lace design you are purchasing is designed for Freestanding Lace to ensure it will stitch correctly, and hold together when you wash the stabilzier away.

1 comment:

Seth Wright said...

Now you can order 60lb thread that is very similar to bobbin thread. the advantage is that you can get more colors. I think maderia makes this. We use the 60lb thread when were embroidering heart prints with very small details in the design. http://www.isignshop.com is one of the only embroiders here in East Texas that will do these types of designs.